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Friday, May 20, 2011

BUSTED: Another Lie By Ruben Diaz

Village Voice reporter Steven Thrasher points out a major lie told by Sen. Ruben Diaz at Sunday's hate rally in the Bronx.
Last Sunday, Reverend Ruben Diaz made a big deal about the role of Latino state senators in deciding the future of same-sex marriage in New York. As he addressed a crowd overwhelmingly composed of religious Hispanics, Diaz repeatedly led the flock to believe that the issue would be made or broken by his five fellow Hispanic colleagues. Well, under Diaz's logic, it's a done deal, then. All five say they support same-sex marriage. Staffers of the five other members of the Puerto Rican/Latino Caucus — José Peralta, Gustavo Rivera, José Serrano, Martin Malavé Dilan, and Adriano Espaillat — tell the Voice that each firmly supports marriage equality. Not that Diaz's logic can be trusted, because despite what he was putting out, these senators were never really swing votes. All five have long been counted in the yes column, and one or more may co-sponsor same-sex marriage legislation when it comes up in the Senate.


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