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Friday, May 20, 2011

NY GOP Sen. Marty Golden Intro's Bill "Voiding" Out Of State Gay Marriages

New York GOP state Sen. Marty Golden today quietly introduced a bill that would "void" out of state same-sex marriages. In 2008, then Gov. David Paterson issued an executive order that New York state recognize gay marriages from other jurisdictions. Anti-gay groups sued, but courts upheld Paterson's order, which would apparently be undone by Golden's bill. Democrats react:
Senate Democratic spokesman Austin Shafran responded to the bill’s introduction saying, “It’s unfortunate the Senate Republicans continue to show hostility to protecting equal rights for all New Yorkers. Whether it’s on rent regulations or marriage equality, Marty Golden has proven he is out of touch with his district by once again putting the political priorities of his Republicans colleagues over the city he’s supposed to represent.”
The text of Golden's bill reads: "Marriages contracted between two persons of the same sex, regardless of whether such marriage is recognized, solemnized or legal in another jurisdiction, shall be considered void in New York."

Golden's fuckweaselry doesn't have the slightest chance of actually going into effect, thanks to the Democratic majority in the state Assembly and the certainty of a veto from Gov. Cuomo. This is just more typical GOP grandstanding to the Christanists.


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