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Thursday, May 19, 2011

5 days in Amsterdam! Black body and the BLUF party

A third morning - and the slow blissful rise into awareness, realising that i am still wrapped in the warmth of my Man's arms. i lie still, hoping that i have not woken Him - but can't help but chuckle and wriggle when i hear His smiling 'good morning pup!' whispered into my ear...

We snuggle for a while - taking pleasure from not having any pressure to be anywhere or do anything. The dog simply nuzzling His arm and kissing His hand, whilst He stroked its head and toyed with its beard. Simple pleasures - timeless moments - frighteningly rare when we are apart.

But hunger and thirst finally drove us up and out of bed - first into the shower (with the pup taking great pleasure in soaping and showering its Man's pelt - and He taking equal pleasure in shampooing the dog :D ), and then out to find a wonderful canal-side cafe for breakfast - and a photo of Sir astride one of the Amsterdam bollards...

(Handler: that was the nice cafe by the old circular Kirk which has been turned into a conference centre. Remember the big group of English guys hassling the poor waitress in the cafe next door - and the very cute young blue-eyed man in pin-stripe shorts...?)

Breakfast over, we strolled around some more - mostly down into the Jordaan and the Museumplein. The dog was truly amazed at how quiet and peaceful the heart of the city was. i am sure that a major part of this is due to the lack of traffic: in most other cities in Europe you are constantly assailed by the buzz and growl of cars and buses, and surrounded in a miasma of diesel and exhaust fumes; but in Amsterdam there were few cars to disturb the quiet - and everyone seemed to rely either on bicycles or scooters, or to hop on and off the amazingly regular trams. The resultant quiet was genuinely bliss.

The architecture of Amsterdam was also fascinating: all those narrow little houses with their gables and weird angles - i loved that everyone seemed to live so freely and publicly too: drinking coffee whilst sat in those wonderfully floor-to-ceiling windows - with little regard for the risk of falling out of them ;)

We had a wonderful simple lunch of tea and cake at a street cafe by the Fire Station just off from the Jordaan (that also had one of the most amazing cellar bathrooms - with the sink as a large granite tank filled with pebbles!) - and had fun watching them wrapping the street-lights and balconies above in orange bunting ready for the festivities to come.

Another afternoon of strolling finally saw us back on the Spuistraat, were we had a uniquely interesting time browsing the 'Gays and gadgets' shop - before heading down stairs into the new basement space for the Black Body.

This was another incredibly friendly shop - it was also the day of the Royal wedding back home, and so we ended up watching a little of the pomp and ceremony on the owner's lap-top with him - whilst the pup chuckled at the incongruity of doing so amongst the shelves of dildos and bondage gear. We did also have to confess to having planned our trip long before Kate and Wills had announced their own plans - and Sir admitted that He had been present at both the previous events, He had thought that this time they might be more successful in His absence... ;)

i do also admit to admiring Harry's beautiful ceremonial uniform: all that piping and braiding...!

But eventually we dragged ourselves away - and finally ended the afternoon at V&D - were we sat on the balcony and watched the comings and goings below, and where Sir treated the pup to a huge and delicious smoothie - before taking it back to the hotel for another long and luxurious mid-afternoon snuggle...

Friday evening was the BLUF leather Party, back at the Argos bar.

Pup had hoped to be able to wear its premier chaps - but they were so tight it couldn't get them on over its jeans, and so it had to make do with its uniform shirt and best Leather jacket (hand made by Aero leathers from the best front-quarter horse-hide, and a much-loved gift from its partner). Its Man wore his own leather jacket and Sam-browne - and the pup felt weak at how perfect He looked.

We were greeted at Argos by @leatherscot and His pup - who had organised the party, and with whom this pup has been chatting via twitter; Sir also got to catch up with Nigel BLUF03 - and the pup had the honour to be greeted by @SirCharlesNL - who recognised the pup from both twitter and this blog - and to introduce Him to my Handler (who does not necessarily share the pups nerdish love of gadgetry and networking ;) ).

But best of all, i finally got to meet with the wonderful NLLeatherman. We have spoken for years - and he was the first person i ever heard speak about pup-play (back when he himself was a dog called Rex). It was an honour to be able to meet Him and chat face to face at last.

We also spent quite a long time out in the street outside - with the pup blissfully down on its knees, hugging its Man's leathered legs whilst His gloved hand stroked its head and probed its mouth. i was also honoured to be pushed down and given permission to worship His boots for Him - with the tourists passing by and sneakily trying to snap photos (if any of you are reading this - please, i really *would* like a copy of any images you took!)

We also had a lot of fun watching LeatherScot and His muzzled pup being constantly hassled by hen-parties for photographs together - until the pup got tired and starting chasing them for laughs ;))

(Handler: hehe - 'a photo with the leathermen' is always an irresistable photo opportunity for the straights! Remember that was also when LeatherScot suggested we start keeping a log-count for everytime some het started singing "YMCA"? We got up to #5 in just that first hour ;) )

It was a good evening - surrounded by sexy men and beautiful gear - but Sir finally relented to the dog's whining, and said His 'good nights' to all before taking the pup back to the hotel...


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