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Thursday, May 19, 2011

5 days in Amsterdam! Martelaarsgracht.

It was very odd to wake in a new city - to hear the rattling trams over the sound of my Man's breathing against my neck, and to know that i am here in another country. But i could feel His collar around my neck, and His arms holding me tight and safe - so i knew i had nothing to fear from being so far from home.

It was still early morning - almost unheard of for us to be awake so early! - but we lacked any tea or coffee making facilities in our room, and so we were forced to drag ourselves from under the smooth white sheets in search of breakfast. Despite having brought 'normal' denim, neither of us could resist slipping back into our leather jeans and boots before heading down and into the streets.

We first went to see if there was anything good to eat at the station (with the dog taking pics of huge multi-storey bicycle store just outside!), but then decided to have a nice stroll down Nieuwendijk and over the canal into Haarlemmerstraat instead; which is where we finally found a lovely little coffee shop for breakfast (pancakes, eggs and cheese - how Dutch!). It was also the pup's first experience of the continental habit of serving tea weak and in a tall glass without milk; but the owner recognised that we were English, and so she also gave us proper English breakfast tea - and a small glass of milk too ;) We also had the fun of watching them refit some new green blinds for her, and chatted about her plans for Queen's Day itself.

(Handler: and her worrying that her cellar was already packed with food, but whether it would still be enough...)

Breakfast done, we spent the rest of the morning slowly wandering along through the canals and side streets. i am ashamed to say that i have *no* idea where we went: even though Handler knows Amsterdam very well, and proved the most attentive and indulgent of guides; it is just that it was all so new, and i was so focused on being with Him - and so i cannot now remember all the street names and places...!

i do know that we ended up at the Magna Plaza - the beautifully restored Old Post Office that has now become a shopping Mall filled with designer furniture and curios. We also had fun watching a delivery being made to one of the flats above the colonnade - using a motorised lift in the street.

(Handler: you forgot walking past the lovely Pancack Bakery, seeing the huge queues waiting to go into Ann Frank’s house, and taking a quite and respectful moment at the Homomonument)

From there we wandered back to Warmoesstraat.

It was a beautifully warm day, and so we stopped for ice-cream, and then called into the Condom Museum - where we had our first request for a photo, from two nice young gay guys who were quite taken by my Man's beautiful leather and His dog's big bright collar... We also had a look in at a tattooist's window - and joked with the owner that he wouldn't get much work from the dog, since there's not much spare untattooed skin left (not to mention that what is there is my Handler's first, and Jo Harrison's second :D ).

Mr. B was now open - and so we strolled in to let the dog happily snuffle about through the leather. The staff there were so friendly: offering us coffee, and helping us to dress when we tried on some of their gear (something that i have only ever experienced in the UK when visiting Master-U in London and Invincible rubber in Nottingham!). The quality of their leather was incredible: tough and high grain but beautifully soft and supple; i could have spent a fortune in there - but consoled myself with a new pair of tight gloves and a new chest harness. Sir also had a nice time flirting with one of the *very* cute members of staff (who was nicely pierced and even shorter than the dog!)

We also called into Rob - and Sir took the opportunity to look at a new pair of Wescos, which gave the dog an excuse to kneel and perform its role of boot-jac (and therefore also have the deep pleasure of handling both those Wescos and Master's Dehners that it loves so much)...

The evening then saw us out for an Italian back in Nieuwendijk (Handler: my happy Pizza-pup!), before heading out to The Web.

Downstairs is a nice bar (with a very curious glassed-in 'smokers' lounge) - but we took our drinks and climbed up to the darkroom, with its long dark cruising corridor and individual cabins.

Sir's back was still playing up, so we didn't get too involved in playing - but Sir kept the dog safe in the dark by letting it snuggle into His chest, nibble His nips and snuffle up into His armpits - whilst it got nicely breathless and slowly ground its leathered crotch into the meat and muscle of His leg...

There was one particular guy who was showing a lot of somewhat unwelcome interest, and so Sir led the pup away into the rather interestingly cruisy locker room area and toilets, where He had it kneel and lick His balls whilst a few of the other guys watched. i always love being able to show Him devotion in public like that - i am barely aware of the presence of others, but i know that He loves the attention and envy ;)

Unfortunately, the other guy followed us in too - but at least this time he got the hint and respected the play between Master and hound by keeping his distance. That is, until until Sir had the dog 'Stay!' whilst He headed across the room to the urinals to take a piss; i couldn't help but smile when i heard my Man's low warning growl to the guy to leave Him alone - but everyone else jumped at His very forceful: "I'm having a piss you idiot - let go and step away. NOW!" :D

We played for a little while longer - but by then it was getting late again, and so it was time to head back to the hotel.

Sir was already half asleep by the time the pup was ready for bed - but He still chuckled to feel all four of its paws pad across the duvet, and welcomed it into His arms with a crooning growl and a big sigh. He let it nuzzle for a while, then gently used its collar to turn it around in His arms and spoon back into His chest; there is honestly nothing quite like the feel of snuggling back into His arms like that: feeling His body completely enfold my own, the fur of His chest against my back and His arm slipping under my head to wrap me tight in His embrace - the heat of His belly against the small of my back and the secure grip of His hands as they take hold of my wrists; i cannot help but whine quietly and wag my tail against Him, showing my pleasure - even though i know we both must sleep and cannot afford to be 'distracted'. i am soothed by His soft croon - His quiet words to 'settle down now pup - time enough for play tomorrow'

i resist the call to sleep, and lie awake for a while - enjoying the pleasure of being held so safely, and listening as His breath slowly deepens into sleep - blissfully happy and content in the warmth of both His body and His love. When i do fall asleep, it is into dreams filled with the sound of His voice and the pleasure of His touch...


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